12) She tries to flame people for missing a letter in a word of their post, yet she mispells something in almost every line of her posts.
wrote ... "Postd" ? Do you mean "posted"? So frantic to be abusive that you overlook accuracy? Poor show you stupid yank *unless you cannot spell *favour* either, fuck up.
Oh and Dee, in America we spell favour as "favor". Write this down for your next attempt as an American alias.
15) She feels she has to prove to people online that she is intelligent by posting things like, "I'm very intelligent, and I have an IQ of 179." Yet, she cannot spell when she delivers these messages.
I'm intellligent. I am a genios. I have an Iqo f 179!
16) She keeps generalizing Americans into this big group of "fuck ups" because a few Americans don't agree with her, yet she has a sister and parents that live in America.
Joined: Sun Jan 30 2005, 03:22am
Location: looking for someones lap to curl up on
Posts: 1628
"Brooke" wrote ... 16) She keeps generalizing Americans into this big group of "fuck ups" because a few Americans don't agree with her, yet she has a sister and parents that live in America.
HAHAHA!!Does she really? What a fucking idiot that girl is!
17.) She lies about everything and complains and whines when things don't go her way. She wants people to apologize to her, yet she will never humble herself to an apology.