Look people, let's get something straight that many of you just don't seem to understand. Suze is an addict in ACTIVE ADDICTION!
Wonder why she's so scatter brained, cant seem to understand or read the simplist posts, always seeking attention, deluded, phony, passive agressive, up all night posting/always online....because she is high! Phony fake ass junkie, and she wants it that way.
everything you just said, is not only PROOVABLE slander. ....it's also EXACTLY how YOU behaive.
please gve us a break and EVOLVE. ................,,,,,,..you're telling on yourself.
whatever you think other people are doing alone where you can't SEE THEM. ....is what you are doing alone. since you do it.
you can't comprehend other people DON'T behaive that way..
....the curse of the cheetah.
you cheat, ytou think everyone else is cheating.
...I don't cheat, I think everyone is not cheating, because I don't.
which is just as bad as thinking "everyone does" ......both are extreme.
It never even occured to me . ....someone would go outta thier way to hurt me
I would'nt do it. .....so i never even thought of it.
and since you don't even know me.....
........that's like so absurd I can't belive you got nothing better to do....
even if it's relax. .....call your mom.
I would'nt have thought of that in a million years.
..I swear on my eyesight Ive never TRIED to hurt anyone in my WHOLE LIFE .............ON PURPOSE.
if I did, it was completely an accident.
.......I could never figure out how me doing speed, drawing in a corner was hurting mom.
Suz are you okay? I didn't know you had relapsed...I know you are hooked on the Adderall, but I didn't know you were doing meth again. No Meth in Flagler beach? Are you kidding? There's ton's of it, I have even bought some there back when I was using. How long have you been back on the stuff? I hate to say it but I kinda thought you were because your post's are getting so spacy. You really should come clean about this on KCI, I think everyone needs to know the truth...don't you?
Were you spun the night that you sold beer to that kid? I don't think that they would have let you off so easy if they would have known that you were spun.