That's great! I hated you all so very much in the early days.
Carolyn never sent me the pics she took of Blake sitting on my lap, and then her sitting on my lap.
Whatever happened to Blake? Remember when I ended up in his closet after puking so fucking much, when C and he invited me to hang out?
Hahaha remember when I pissed off the gimps? And I got a threatening letter or a few ... from a guy in prison!!! (His brother was disabled.)
Edited Tue Feb 10 2009, 02:24am
I've been reading old threads nonstop since I found more. Funnily enough I JUST finished reading the one Mel just linked.
I miss blake, and david, and muty, and a bunch more people. Damnit, I want things back to where they were (message board-wise) in those days. Not that I don't like you fuckers, I just feel like there should be so many MORE of us still shooting the shit.
Bloody blankets, crippled wrath, getting "so close" for a nearly a decade, shitty/cummy underwear antics, and of course... pheromones. I need to put together the "Legend of bagman" one of these days.
Man I haven't spoken to C in ages. Or Joe. Or Sean or Brook for that matter. Tako-Chako, Jewish Matt, Aria, MeanBastard, shite, Fatt, Kris (DJ), Boy Wonder... the list is fuckin' endless.
Joined: Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:14am
Location: Under Your Mom's Meat Flaps!
Posts: 14373
You know, when I came into the thread I was honest, burtal, and brutally honest ... When I was being nice you all were like "Where's Thrash?" and I'm being "surprisingly human" ...
I love how people used to say there's no way I could be a real person; that I absolutely had to be an alias.
Dude, I completely forgot about Starrie (until re-reading that Experiment thread)! Her big fat titties got her on Stileproject's camwhores. I remember I had her camgirl page bookmarked and would check it daily because you got three free cam pics. I never did sign up for a subscription, but saved probably a 100 or of those "freebie" pics of her. I was a little obsessive and admittedly creepy, but if you're gonna flash your twat and tits for the world to see, I'm saving 'em baby. I thought since I was an ex-raver too, I had a chance of getting my knob polished by her at some point.
Man - It kinda hurts to think that the 'Way Back Machine' has 2001 listed on it... I thought it was just the lighting in here that was making my hair look grey.
Does Carolyn still post here? Didn't she end up going to law school or some such nonsense?
Last time I talked to Carolyn was after we hung out in NYC in 2007. She was doing an internship at a lawfirm specialising in 1st Amendment law... lost touch with her after that, she was on my Facebook, but then disappeared.
I'd like to catch up with her again when I'm in the US in October... that'd be cool.
While I'm on the subject, looks like the 2009 Mosh World Tour will be a 5 week event at this stage, 2 weeks in the US, 2 in Europa, and a week in the land of the Rising Sun. I'm currently seeking donations of couches to crash on. I'm neat, tidy, have a funny accent and I pay for alcohol. No idea of the itinery at this stage, but stops will include Cincinnati to hang with Jenn, either Austin or Chicago to hang with Lucas (he was talking about visiting Lucky), and the usual haunts, Philly/Baltimore & JAX. If I can, I might see if I can squeeze Antigua in (cost is the real issue, not time).
Edited Wed Feb 11 2009, 08:55am