Joined: Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:14am
Location: Under Your Mom's Meat Flaps!
Posts: 14373
Mosh and I thought that we'd give the LG'ers a place to hang out when LG is down. This place is only accessable here with a special tag that Mosh or myself have to add to your account. Without this tag you CANNOT see this section of forums.
You may add or invite anyone, however, they must ask either Mosh or myself in PM here (to the right) for us to add the tag. This is so that the other assheads from my board can't access things here.
This is, simply, for our friends to have a place to post and/or keep in touch while LG goes through its downtimes. I understand that Joe is busy, and away, a lot of the time and therefore, I don't mind sharing a little bandwidth, space, and time for others here.
Post whatever you want; I give a fuck less. The know the obvious BASIC rules; beyond that, well, it's all you ...
Ok so let's have a slumber party, we can do each other's nails and hair and listen to Justin Timberlake and Usher and maybe sneak some of mom's stash of meth!
So anyway, I just got back from the blood, gore, alcohol abuse and mayhem that was Pennsic 36. And when I say alcohol abuse I mean major beer drinking, I've quit liquor and cigarettes (ask Joe, he was there for my last night of both) and I'm actually in the best physical shape I can remember being in since I was 14. Who wants to hike ocean to ocean with me?