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Mon Mar 24 2008, 08:19pm
Joined: Thu Mar 13 2008, 02:33am
Posts: 713
That's a gorgeous looking instrument, Mel!

And you're looking good yourself! Which island(s) are you going to?
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Tue Mar 25 2008, 01:35am
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
Posts: 185
"zoomie" wrote ...
Actually I think to go from Geek's birthday to Suze's tits is damn disrespectful. But normal around here.
Yeah maybe, but it looks like yesterday was suze's birthday too.

Btw, Happy birthday to you Suze.

Heh, I didn't even realize yesterday was easter until I rode my bike to the hardware store and it was closed.
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The Geek2
Tue Mar 25 2008, 01:44am
The Geek2
Joined: Tue Oct 09 2007, 12:20pm
Posts: 742
Hey Si! THanks (on both parts) I really love the new cello, it took me forever to save for, then I got a huge loan for the rest, but it's brilliant and LOUD. I've got so many more gigs cause of this cello! My playing has improved a lot.

We are going to puta Cana because it was cheaper than Antigua. Though I was like MAN I KNOW A GUY THERE WHO CAN TAKE US OFF THE RESORT!
Too bad. Maybe some other time : /
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Tue Mar 25 2008, 07:53pm
Joined: Thu Mar 13 2008, 02:33am
Posts: 713
Hey (and this goes for all of youse) anytime you can get down here, you've got yourself a local to show you around. Never a problem!
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Tue Mar 25 2008, 08:56pm
Joined: Thu Mar 13 2008, 02:33am
Posts: 713
BTW, Tru, the same thing happened to me yesterday with the gym. Stupid religious shit.
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Tue Mar 25 2008, 09:28pm
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
Posts: 185
Yeah the kids really get sucked in, no school, games and treats. But when you have to start buying your own peeps it's over.

Strange how something that makes the kids happy is really a form of child abuse.

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Tue Mar 25 2008, 10:45pm
Joined: Thu Mar 13 2008, 02:33am
Posts: 713
Like fàther xmas? My dad dropped the ruse when I asked him point blank if he was real or not.

"You want the truth, or a nice lie?" Edited Tue Mar 25 2008, 10:45pm
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 12:32am
Lose the shoes, bitch
Joined: Sun Aug 12 2007, 01:27am
Posts: 2436
Tru wrote ...

Yeah the kids really get sucked in, no school, games and treats. But when you have to start buying your own peeps it's over.

Strange how something that makes the kids happy is really a form of child abuse.

HOLY SHIT! Tru's gone LIBERAL??? The first sign is worrying about THE CHILDREN!!! We have to save THE CHILDREN!!! We need universal medical coverage for THE CHILDREN!!! We need social programs for THE CHILDREN!!! We need to have abortion for THE CHILDREN!!! We need to have gay marriage for THE CHILDREN!!! Won't somebody please do something for THE CHILDREN!!!

How about we need those things because every other sensible, civilised nation (and some that aren't so civilised) have these things? How about we have these things because it's the right thing to do?

Oh wait. I forgot. We already did something for the children, and now the boomers are going to bankrupt the USA and there's no stopping it.

Please disregard.
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 06:49pm
Joined: Thu Mar 13 2008, 02:33am
Posts: 713
A lawyer, a priest, and a social worker are on a sinking ship.

The social worker says, "The children! We have to save the children!"

The lawyer says, "Fuck the children."

The priest says, "Is there time...?"
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 08:08pm
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
Posts: 185
Hahahaha ..."time"

Don't go getting your orbit all eccentric Zoomie. I don't care about "the children", at least not in the bleeding heart way you are attempting to portray. It's the bigger issue of how we are indoctrinated as children into the cult of religion.

I consider it child abuse because I feel I was abused by the process, by christmas and easter and that bullshit propaganda "one nation under dog" shit and even the "in dog we trust" on all of our fucking currency.

You can beat your kids to death (they are your property) or feed them lead paint chips for breakfast for all I care.

But once you let them be drowned in state approved religious dogma while they are still too young to know what the hell is happening it will take them a life time to fight their way back to the surface of reality... if they ever can at all.

The 1954 revision of the pledge and the motto on our currency are especially egregious because of the fact that public schooling is mandated by law and everyone has to use money so there is no escape from it.

You know if religious fucks want to raise their kids that way I don't have a problem with that. That's what our freedoms are supposed to be about. But there dam well better start being some freedom FROM religion in this nation or there is going to be hell to pay.

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Wed Mar 26 2008, 08:15pm
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
Posts: 185
Hahahahahah hows that for fucking up geeks birthday thread?

Sorry Mel.
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 09:40pm
Lose the shoes, bitch
Joined: Sun Aug 12 2007, 01:27am
Posts: 2436
You know I was being facetious. Or at least I hope you do. I just get tired of the liberal agenda being driven with the battle cry "SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!"

And you know I agree with not indoctrinating children into organized religion. Tell them what it is and let them decide.
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 10:36pm
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
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Yep, but of course I got carried away because the issue pisses me off so much

We really need to get behind people like Newdow and support the push to at least get that crap out of the pledge and off our money.

That shit ties in with the other stuff you gave me a hard time about in the past with the US militarily aiding the fabrication of the USSR as an "evil atheist" nation as a thesis and the US industrial and financial aid in bringing an insane christian Hitler to power and building his war machine as the antithesis. WW2 was the planed collision conflict which eventually resulted in the synthesis of the US as a global superpower. Plus the end goals of establishing Israel and concocting the cold war scam.

Hey do you know how our money is created?
This is a must watch: Money as Debt.
[Click, Dick]

If you can't watch the video you can find a good text summary here.
[Click, Dick]

It all ties in together. The same handful of people step by step pulled all of it off.
Today their sons and hand picked heirs continuing their tradition of influence grow more powerful with each step.

"Woodrow Wilson" wrote ...

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
- Former US President, Woodrow Wilson

He was commenting on the criminal conspiracy to establishment of the Federal Reserve as a privately owned, global, for profit corporation simply made to look like a federal agency or department of which he was a major party to.

Religion is simply another tool for use on the public. They wanted to push that shit on the public in the fifties to help reinforce public acceptance of the "cold war" they were fabricating against the so called "godless" communists which they also created. They will strive for a one world government under one religion as a final synthesis because people are so much easier to control with religion than by force alone.
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Wed Mar 26 2008, 11:23pm
Lose the shoes, bitch
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Posts: 2436
I've tried to explain to more than a few fundies that while our founding fathers believed in the existence of a creator they called "God" they were not religious (at least for the times) and the US was NOT founded on Christian principles.

And for my next trick I will cross the Himalayas in a Speedo and single-handedly liberate Tibet.

I'm not a failure I just don't choose my battles well...
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Thu Mar 27 2008, 07:15am
Rape barn owner
Joined: Thu Jan 13 2005, 10:49am
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Zoomie wrote ...

I just get tired of the liberal agenda being driven with the battle cry "SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!"
Do I get interest on them if I save them? Will I have to pay taxes on that interest? Can they be withdrawn at call from an ATM to pay for a taxi home after another drunken rampage through the streets of Melbourne?
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Thu Mar 27 2008, 12:45pm
Lose the shoes, bitch
Joined: Sun Aug 12 2007, 01:27am
Posts: 2436
No, but if you saved Soviet Jewry you'd be able to do all of that.
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Thu Mar 27 2008, 04:13pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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You know what just hit me?
"Thrash" Inc. BBS!!! Systems ... is 26 years old as well ...
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Thu Mar 27 2008, 09:59pm
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Digital Babys
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Fri Mar 28 2008, 08:17am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Location: Under Your Mom's Meat Flaps!
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Yeah, but I'm PROUD of my "time in" ...
I'm also, believe it or not, GLAD that you, TRU, came aboard ...

Welcome, my old friend ...
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Fri Mar 28 2008, 05:05pm
Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 05:11pm
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Why thankie.
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