In the garage, with a shotgun, a rubber chicken, my cat, a RealDoll named Tsuki, a 6oz swordfish steak, a Captain Caveman decoder ring, a picture of the 1973 Dodgers, Zoomie's foot fetish, the occasional stripper to beat me up, 5 nicotine patches, a vial of Family Guy Anti Bacterial Soap, the occasional call from Suze, the occasional smoo, Avast AntiVirus, Mosh's Magical Marsupials, a bottle of Crisco, Spybot - Search & Destroy, the dude who pooped in the tuba, a PitBull named "Diesel", a limited edition 'Tickle Me Elmo', a Darth Vader mask, Terry Fader's turtle puppet, a bag of Ol'Roy dog food, a $5 gift certificate to "Biz-E-G's 'Lapdances and Laundry'", Lisa Lisa from the Cult Jam, the fabled "TSi CockRing Set", the new TSi "Paddle Me Palin" doll, a 250cc syringe full of empscum, a "Hello Kitty" tongue piercing kit, a pirated copy of WinRAR, a roasted turkey leg, my "Police Squad" box set, and K_o_C's non-used tube of Anal Eaze, I feel safe ...
Not screenshots, actually saved HTML versions of selected threads.
Hahaha wow anybody remember the "The Experiment" thread I had about the bottle of pheromones I bought and tried out? I'd totally forgotten about that until I scoped out:
No offense Thrash, but I'm a postboard conservative. Your "new" system confuses and enrages me. Also I'm trying to wean myself off of my old ways. I just don't have the time to read every single thread anymore. Those were the sweet old times. Si, a fine screenshot indeed.
Why is it down so often? I tried to drunk post last night and all I could do was stand in the closet like an idiot while I waited for hours for the screen to load. It never loaded. For you nosy Parkers: I borrow wireless from the neighbors and it only comes through when I'm in the closet.
The site seems to be blocked while I'm at school too (which is most of the time).
And I want an easier way to upload an avatar (OK, OK, I'll check Questions and Answers).
There's a few others... but they seem to be random saves. I just clicked links til I found one that worked.
Tom, using other people's wireless is honourable. You're just ensuring that they get their moneys worth from their provider.
Edited Sun Feb 08 2009, 01:39am
Good point. I do feel a little like a Stasi agent, though, as I sit in a dark closet with headphones, typing away. I've also heard enough "coming out of the closet" jokes from my friends to last me several lifetimes.