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[poll] APRIL RANDOM: McdamnThatFiddleStick! vs. Thrash
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Wed Apr 05 2006, 02:53am Print
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
Joined: Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:14am
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Posts: 14372
This should be good ...
We BOTH like to rape llamas, so I guess the beastiality flames are out ...

Ok, game on ...

EDIT: This goes until 6PM - Tuesday, 04/11/06
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Thu Apr 06 2006, 05:06am
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
Joined: Sun Jan 30 2005, 03:22am
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More like game over and your case Thrash.

Looks like to me your game was over after your pet rock unplugged the re-re cord out of your big shit talking orfice, and shoved it up your pubic fugehole! Shouldn't you be picking up crack sniffing, bulimic migit trannies at your local YMCA? Or is this the week you are trying to get a threesome with the windowlicking Kmart store greeter, and the inflatable doll that you picked up with your welfare check, last week at Big Lots?

Didn't your mother tell you the only way you can get laid as if you shoved your head up a chickens ass? Of course in your case you probably couldn't even get that right. I mean we are looking at someone who doesnt have enough brain cells to fill a fig newton. I have seen staplers work more constructively then you. I have seen more self worth in a fucking gophers gonad then I have ever seen in your entire shallow body. Your brain is like an empty canvas that Van Goh wiped his ass on and stuffed it ina medicine cabinet right next to his Q tips box. Your like a package that God send to himself saying "Worthless Masterpiece", because only god himself can love someone so stupid, yet so entertaining at the same time! I mean honestly he gets infinite laughter at a lab rat like you...I mean I can't blame him!

So put the remote controller down, pull the cathiter out of you male pin-hole and turn up your hearing aid grandpa and listen. Your game is over. It was over even before Coleca Vision was out my friend. It was over before it started! No don't cry because I am sure your weave loving pimply-old dyke mum-mum will allow you to watch some Sesame Street instead.

i wanted to add these pictures...

first off your dad says hi!

Video Game Classic!
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Mon Apr 10 2006, 04:55am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
Joined: Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:14am
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Wow, I've been so busy with judging and other callout elsewhere, I forgot about this one ...

Ok, here goes:
You seem to honestly believe in your fried, floating in fuck-juice of a mind that you're relevant enough to be called out by someone so substantially superior like me?
You seem to have it in your head that I thought you were special enough to even take notice to ...
... I didn't, you were just all that was left
(Kinda like you, sprawled on the floor after the train at last-call)

You, my fucked over little friend, are someone who's already gotten their own 2-fingered fist driven through your huge upper horf-hole almost as much as your crab-gash, in all its pus-like glory.

Now, Bobo; here's the REAL news flash of this round of callouts ... You're not funny!
(... or clever, or worthy of a welfare check, etc ...)

Now scram, scrotum hound, before I kick you down off of your family's 4-story cardboard condos, and watch as fully-filled condoms, shitballs, super bowl and nascar rings, and disposable toothbrushes spring outta your spread wide sphincter like a Blue Oyster grab bag, Nappy.
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Mon Apr 10 2006, 07:00am
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
Joined: Sun Jan 30 2005, 03:22am
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Oh wow was that the best you could do grandpa? If I wanted a flame by "Corky" I would have taken first class on the grayhound shortbus and visit the Jerry's Kid's foundation. I think consuming a can of Elmers Glue and shaving the asshole fur off of a gerbil would have made more sense then your mind boggling, craptacular unwitty and pathetic flame.

That flame was about as dry and as stale as a Tara Ried beer fart. Just looking at your flame reminded me of a Boggle game with words thrown up all over the screen. It looked like you just inserted a keyboard up your poop chute, and was fed prunes in order for you to shit-blast such awful atrocities all over the place. And you call that a flame? That flame was about as hard and as hot as Kevin Federline using an "Easy Bake Oven". I saw weekday Wb shows that were more eye appealing then that! Did I mention that your voice sounds like a squealing pig with hemroids, that your head is shaped like a popcorn kernal and your face resembles a hitlerfied sea monkey that got dumped into toaster in order to make "Pop Tards"? Also your hair kind of resembles a black dying poodle with Rickets. By the way, John Travolta called he wants his hair plugs back. Thanks.

Let me put it this way Thrashole. The only flame you ever created was the relationship that you had with your butt fucking spork banging pedophile cell mate in County last season. Your about as enteraining as a toothache, about as sexy as testicular cancer, about as funny as a ripped in half Mr Yuck sticker, and about as witty as a papercut. Now go to your local FoodLion, grab a pound of expired ground beef and food poison yourself. Maybe then by you choking on your own vomit and by shitting your "Depends" you can get a taste of your own medicine. Unforutnaly I was force fed your mouth talking tripe and your word typing skills, when I read your post. Which is now the number one reason why I am uncapable of understanding your petrified-gorilla-shit-stained-type, vocabulary and sentences! But please afeter you posion yourself and after your orfices are dehydrated please shove a razor blade up your asshole and lodge a tampon in your throat, and shut the fuck up, sit down and realize that you just got owned.


oh and yeah



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Tue Apr 11 2006, 07:00pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Wow, I think you think that "owning" someone means fudging your Underoos a few times and then leaving them on their front doorstep.

You're a floored fucking joke.
I'll stick my dick down your throat and violin your vocal cords along to Beethoven's 5th, or, if you are really lucky, I'll stick my dick up your fudge tub and start harpooning gerbils.

Well, I was thinking of making this an "example match"; you know, when the a legend such as myself gives a master class in ownage to some goofy, overly wordy fuck like you.
However, its plain to see you just fizzled out like an Italian firework.

I'll just leave your carcass here for all of the other tards here to pick clean, Waste.
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Tue Apr 11 2006, 08:35pm
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
Joined: Sun Jan 30 2005, 03:22am
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Holy shit looks like to me someone needs a charity fuck after that shitty post! How is it possible for you to suck more and more every time you write a flame? That post was about as funny as an Alaskan [J3r M()M |)uZ @n@l] in a KKK outfit. IT was about as light and soft as a bitch slap from a blind nun with Hepatitis C. I would rather try to suck the titty milk out of a pmsy Joan Rivers then to read another one of your hieroglyphic brail type paragraphs! Jesus Christ himself could put more flame at stake, then you could ever accomplish in writing something insulting! Maybe instead of molesting tree pinecones when you were 7 you should have been more focused on Hooked on Phonics LD edition. I almost feel guilty insulting you because me insulting you is the equivalent to pushing Wilford Brimley in a wheelchair down a flight of steps in the Empire State Building. It's just not fair!

Oh well I guess you are going to have to learn someday that your a fuckwit and a dueschmonkey.I do think for someone who has a head full of Waffle House expired pancake batter for brains, that you should not even attempt to insult anyone in general! What I do think you should do, is to have Ron Jeremy shove his hairy "Gonzo" shaped cock down your mouth and to have your local Catholic minister molest your tight virgin cherry ass. Maybe that way you can keep both of your holes shuts instead of spewing a bunch of runny fluid like posts all over the place. Someone should hand craft you a golden Darwin Award trophy make of Hulk Hogan's blonde pubic hair, because you sure as hell deserve one my friend! For someone who gets thrills in watching a dented General Electric can opener work for hours at a time, you should be more focused on achieving the act of "getting a life".

Instead of using up all your time by shoving your caterpillar-shaped dick in a mouse trap to get yourself off constantly, maybe you should actually try to go search for something constructive to do. Making music with Fay go pop cans while getting kicked in the nuts by Rue Paul does not consist of something much as you want it to be. Now please take your mentally handicapped self and enroll next Monday to Widney High school. You need to learn that pork-holing fire anthills and licking the windows of "Hardees" is not the "in thing" to do anymore. But I guess in your case the only schooling you will receive is the one that I am giving to you? which is torture my friend.


Here you go!
B Cock Sucker
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Tue Apr 11 2006, 11:10pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Well that was 10x gayer than a Hawaiin pizza with extra sausage, but highly predictable I suppose, considering your mental capacity.
Way to get bitchslapped in yet another Gump-like blindfolded dash into the brick wall of reality.

I think it is pretty obvious that we both lost.
You lost on merit.
I lost merely for participating in this extended sonnet to your dickless "Ken-Doll Dildos".

Mark Twain said, "Never argue with an idiot, people might not be able to tell the difference."
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Tue Apr 11 2006, 11:10pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Match over ....

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Wed Apr 12 2006, 03:59am
Living Dead Girl
Joined: Sun Jul 03 2005, 11:25pm
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rachael, you are awsome.
..................thrash, you are amazing.
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Wed Apr 12 2006, 06:32am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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I use fewer words, however, her words are just as strong; it just takes longer to get through 'em ...

She's a worthy adversary ...
... flame part aside, I'm glad she jumped in for the challenge

She played quite well ...

Only problem with being wordy (and this is constructive criticism) is that it's easy to disarm it in fewer words ...

I didn't go for my typical "run-on-flaming", I chose a more simplistic style ...

Good match considering the shorter timeframe of posts though ...
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Thu Apr 13 2006, 06:16am
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
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yeah u know u like my cock sucker baby! I was lookign for a llama one for u thrashypoo but I coudlnt find it *shakes hand* good match my lad!
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Thu Apr 13 2006, 06:48am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Yes, I deeply admire your cockpolisher ...

... tell Tim I said, "Hi!"
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Thu Apr 13 2006, 04:06pm
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck
Joined: Sun Jan 30 2005, 03:22am
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Posts: 1628
I would ask him, but hes busy window lickin...silly cracker.
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