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Hi I'm the evil doc's girlfriend..glad to meet you all
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:14pm
Joined: Fri Jun 03 2005, 06:18am
Posts: 61
I think I understand now. I just havent seen this DocVonE you speak of post very much. So this girl in the pictures is his girlfriend but she doesn't really look like that in real life. It is becoming clearer to me now. I would like to see the pictures of what she really looks like Hayley. Thanks for offering them to a dreadful newbie that hasn't made much sense since his arrival.
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:41pm
Joined: Fri Jan 07 2005, 03:32am
Posts: 1238
"CelestialApokalypse" wrote ...
*watches Meg crack the whip*


She's so cute when she's assertive like that.

*smile* Thank you.

"Asphole" wrote ...

*and then pokes Dan back into existence*

Hey now... no poking unless you REALLY meant it!

(and if that's the case... poke aaron.. he needs it more, me thinks

I shall poke as I please, thank you very much.

(And it's not too difficult Def once you get to know things.)
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:44pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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I thought you were too "prudish" for anal ...
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:51pm
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Oh hush you dork. You know I don't.
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:55pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:56pm
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Ohhh, but he does!
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Thu Jun 16 2005, 11:59pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 12:03am
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*dies laughing*
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 01:26am
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*runs and hides*
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 03:34am
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 03:56am
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damn nick carter has changed!
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 06:24am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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I'm posting this for only ONE REASON; and it's not for you people to debate, it's for documentation ONLY!
It's also to bind a request that was made by a personal owner of images.
It is the conversation had, and my resolution(s) to, said request(s).

Please, read this, people, and understand what I agreed to in regards to this thread and what was asked of me.



dr von evil (1:41:27 AM): dave
ThrashInc (1:42:18 AM): sup,l pat?
dr von evil (1:42:42 AM): I need to talk with you about something important
ThrashInc (1:42:59 AM): ok, shoot
dr von evil (1:44:02 AM): In photos Hayley's been attacking Dee again and threatening to post pics of her where she doesn't like the way she looks, this isn't right and has really upset her
dr von evil (1:44:09 AM): What will you be doing about this?
ThrashInc (1:44:50 AM): let me look, hayley's not even been around for about a week ... hang on
dr von evil (1:44:58 AM): k
ThrashInc (1:45:08 AM): which thread?
dr von evil (1:45:14 AM): Hold on
dr von evil (1:45:41 AM): While you're at it make me a mod in photos please, in case I have to remo0ve posts/ lock threads
ThrashInc (1:45:55 AM): ok
dr von evil (1:46:19 AM): You know which thread, you posted in it
dr von evil (1:46:25 AM): Here (edited by me, Dave, for formatting of the thread tables)
ThrashInc (1:46:49 AM): yeah, but i didn't catch hayley saying anything ... I'm looking now
dr von evil (1:48:03 AM): I want that thread locked please
dr von evil (1:50:48 AM): Are you going to lock it?
ThrashInc (1:54:34 AM): hold on a sec, I'm reading every post
dr von evil (1:55:43 AM): Nobody other than Dee has the right to use images of her, legal action will be taken if Hayley or anyone posts images of Dee other than myself or me
dr von evil (1:56:11 AM): And her sister is a laywer in the US, so this needs taking very seriously
dr von evil (1:56:39 AM): It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that no unautharised images are posted
ThrashInc (2:01:00 AM): Ok, first thing's first ...
1) It's on the internet, it'll never hold up in court ...
2) I don't take threats from anyone, nor do I take demands; EVER, especially about a place I OWN and where I have known the laws about for years ...
3) I can ask her not to, as can you, and nicely, I might add. I'm sure she won't; the only pics she has are ones that Dee herself posted and submitted to the internet, thus, they follow under "public domain" laws since they were posted on MY LEGAL PROPERTY!

Lastly, I cannot and will not close a valid, viable thread just because someone says something someone doesn't like; period. If she posted a pic, and it wasn't one I've seen that was posted before, I'd gladly remove it upon the request of the pic owner ... as of this time there IS NO NEED to close, lock, delete or take any action to a post or thread.

Next, don't try to snow me, or bully me with "legal action", you know better, I give a fuck less about it.

Bottom line, the answer's "NO".

dr von evil (2:05:56 AM): Dee requests that her pics thread be locked, she has the right to that as it is her images thread
dr von evil (2:06:24 AM): Please lock the thread, it is Dee's and she wants it locked

ThrashInc (2:08:02 AM): Ok, how about this, she posted 'em, she can edit it. I see no reason to lock it, and, once again, the answer is "NO".
See, now it's not really about her, it's drifted off ... She's more than welcome to remove, or request they be removed, of which I'll be MORE THAN HAPPY to oblige. I cannot AND WILL NOT censor a thread OVER NOTHING ...

dr von evil (2:09:08 AM): This is an issue of image ownership, nothing else
ThrashInc (2:09:30 AM): then DELETE THEM, she can logon and do it, she's a big girl, bro.

dr von evil (2:09:44 AM): We can't be online 24/7
dr von evil (2:10:46 AM): They shouldn't be posted at all

ThrashInc (2:12:14 AM): if she deletes her pics, or if someone else does other than you or she I WILL, and you have my word on this, delete them. we NOW have a mutual understanding of FUTURE pics and images, and I, legally now, have to oblige. However, the ones posted already by her own hand(s), well, I'm not responsible. I can, however, REMOVE THEM, as can she, but I cannot dictate what others will do in the future, I can, however, moderate it, as the devine powers of admin grant me.

dr von evil (2:12:41 AM): OK
ThrashInc (2:13:08 AM): I consider this a formal asking of future pics to not be placed; that is more than fair and will be honored, without question
dr von evil (2:13:10 AM): If anyone posts an image of her, other than myself or Dee then remove it
ThrashInc (2:13:19 AM): again, you have my word
dr von evil (2:13:20 AM): I appreciate that Dave
ThrashInc (2:13:23 AM): indeed

dr von evil (2:13:50 AM): I will hold you to this, and the poster of said images will need reprimanding too
dr von evil (2:14:30 AM): If Hayley posts any images then her mod powers must be removed, is it not the responsibility of all mods to uphold the will of the admins?
ThrashInc (2:14:35 AM): again, no need repeat yourself, we've gone over it, and it'll be done.
Just remember, I don't work under threat, however, I work great civilly.
dr von evil (2:15:06 AM): I wasn't threatening you, Dave
dr von evil (2:15:12 AM): I never threaten
ThrashInc (2:15:14 AM): and I'll worry about my mods and what they do in what forum(s) .... but it will be dealt with, I assure you.
dr von evil (2:15:45 AM): What if Hayley posts or (re)posts images of Dee
ThrashInc (2:16:01 AM): again, I'll worry about that ...
dr von evil (2:15:58 AM): In fact, I know something you could do that would help me greatly
ThrashInc (2:16:11 AM): ok, what's your idea?

dr von evil (2:17:14 AM): Could you please reply to the thread explaining that no pictures of Dee are to be posted or linked to anywhere on your site, this is a formal request of mine too, as a preventetive measure
dr von evil (2:17:28 AM): Hayley surely won't go against a request of yours

ThrashInc (2:17:33 AM): I'm already on top of it.
dr von evil (2:17:41 AM): Thanks Dave, let me know when it's posted
ThrashInc (2:17:55 AM): ok
ThrashInc (2:18:32 AM): on a generic and side note i hope all is going well ... I shall get to the posting of the notice.
dr von evil (2:18:48 AM): All is going really well, thanks for asking
ThrashInc (2:18:54 AM): indeed

dr von evil (2:37:01 AM): Although, uncle Dave, you did forget my birthday
ThrashInc (2:37:25 AM): I did?
ThrashInc (2:37:31 AM): well, I hope it was a good one
dr von evil (2:37:39 AM): It was, thankyou
ThrashInc (2:37:48 AM): what'd you and dee do?
dr von evil (2:38:34 AM): We went to my mums house for a meal, we had a rockin' BBQ at my house and got drunk and we stayed in and watched movies 'n' stuff

dr von evil (2:44:37 AM): Dee would like to send you an email about this, for records and such, to politely go over the grounding of the situation, which is your active email address?
ThrashInc (2:44:47 AM): uhm
ThrashInc (2:44:56 AM): [email]
wrote ...
would work
dr von evil (2:45:03 AM): ok, thanks
ThrashInc (2:45:07 AM): oi

dr von evil (2:51:31 AM): I do regret sending Brooke those pics of Dee though, it's my fault all this bullshit is happening
ThrashInc (2:51:56 AM): again, water under the bridge, in time
dr von evil (2:52:09 AM): I hope so
ThrashInc (2:52:12 AM): i know so
dr von evil (2:52:52 AM): Thing is, in your response you mentioned images that she herself had submitted, well she had nothing to do with those ones ending up online, so I doubly appreciate you enforcing that they cannot be posted
ThrashInc (2:53:17 AM): indeed

ThrashInc (2:53:42 AM): I'm gonna add this one little part, as it's relevant ..
dr von evil (2:53:51 AM): Indeed
dr von evil (2:53:56 AM): I was going to ask that you do
dr von evil (2:54:25 AM): And also that I am deeply sorry to Dee for allowing this to happen, however innocent my intentions were
dr von evil (2:54:42 AM): I love her and I feel terrible for betraying her trust in such a way
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 07:01am
I'm going to enjoy responding to this.

First of all, this is what started this conflict between board members in the first place. Why wage war when a peaceful resolution might be easily attained? Why go around locking or deleting threads because you are offended by something or because you misunderstand something? Why not just ask the person about what they said which offended you in a nice way and give them the chance to validate your feelings and quite possibly rectify those feelings?

I don't get it. All of the friends you had Pat, online friends or not, and you just threw it all away for what? Because you don't know how to express your rash feelings and because you mistake honesty for ill intent?

Most of the things you two (Pat and Elysium) get so rialed up about are things that could be quite innocuous if you didn't read too much into them.

For instance, if more than one member on a board including friends say that Dee was making them feel like she was belittling them and being rude, then quite possibly there might be some validation behind their feelings.

Rather than assuming the only reason they aren't worshiping her must be because they have a problem with the relationship, why not consider their actual concerns? Launching a personal attack on them, through her, is probably not the best way of furthering her introduction, however. Having her insult long-time members and share details about things she knows little about will probably only bring more animosity her way. Why would you advise her to do that? Why not just say, I think you all misunderstood Dee, give her a chance to show you why I think she is wonderful and leave it at that.

If a member says "ha ha" and you read something into it that seems threatening, why not simply say "Are you making fun of blah, blah blah, if so I don't appreciate that and would like you to stop." Why would you instead, immediately after the "ha ha", launch a full-scale attack against that person through 3 members ridiculing her with what you claim are her mental and physical mishaps. It just doesn't make any sense and it certainly wasn't right.

Furthermore, if you are afraid pictures are going to be posted in the future, why not ask Hayley in a nice way not to post them. Why beg to have the thread locked or beg for your mod/admin powers back to a board you never post at anymore, when there is no wrong that has been committed.

You are WAY too sensitive. Did you or Dee ever consider that you might be so sure that everyone is going to have a problem with your relationship with one another that you didn't even give us a chance? Seriously, because I really think that you felt people would have a problem with the age thing, or who knows what, and you made us out as villians attempting to doom your relationship which none of us in the slightest bit had a problem with. Why would we?

I'm glad two people love each other as much as you two appear to. I'm glad you make each other happy. But you have to realize that if Dee does something that upsets people, they have a right to say something to her. If you do something wrong to people, they have a right to say something to you. Quite possibly, if they share their feelings with you about your individual actions, it has nothing to do with your relationship.

You're making people hate you for no reason. Why? People have happy, successful relationships and keep their friends. At the same time, why don't you value your friends opinions. There is nothing that says you can't respect your friends and your girlfriend. I can assure you there was a much less traumatic path you could have taken and you know it. Why don't you both start dealing with things the right way and try to redeem an inkling of what you had established with these people long before Dee existed. I'm sure she'd want nothing less, but for you to respect and love her while keeping your friends by valuing them as well.

And with that, I'm finished trying to get through to you. If you haven't heard me by now, you never will. For your sake and her sake, I hope you do.
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 09:28am
Joined: Mon Apr 11 2005, 05:52am
Posts: 16
wrote ...

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
-Mark Twain

I think YOU should reflect on this Brooke..The irony has been killing me for months....That's all I have to say.
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 11:13am
Kandy Karma
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"Elysium_Angel" wrote ...
That's all I have to say.

Then please ma'am, no one here likes you and you like no one here, could you please crawl back into the hole you came from and stop badgering us, go complain about what we do elsewhere, none of us know you and none of us want to.
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 04:48pm
wrote ...

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
-Mark Twain

I think YOU should reflect on this Brooke..The irony has been killing me for months....That's all I have to say.

No the irony is you claim to be a teacher, yet you don't understand the meaning of irony.

The majority said nothing to you or Pat because they were afraid Pat would flip out. I said something which makes me the only one that first did. The irony is you don't think about these things before you post them and end up making yourself look like an idiot. Furthermore, its good to see that you incapable of listening to reason. Something tells me that you don't want Pat to make up with anyone. It is very interesting to me that you suddently reappear after a resolution might be made between Pat and other members. You did not enter the flame thread or this thread when Pat was being insulted. All of a sudden, however, when a resolution is asked for, here you come out of the blue. You love this guy right? Stop worrying about people you don't know a fuck about then and respect the person he was before you wrapped your talons around him. If you really loved him, you'd realize you don't have to like us, and we don't have to like you.

What are you so afraid of anyways. That if he we all get along once again he'll leave you for some online friend that is female.

You are in the wrong here on so many levels. Its about time you realized it, teach.

Do you really want to stress yourself out again by attempting to attack me. It won't work this time as it didn't work last time. I'm happy to oblige, however.
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 04:52pm
Joined: Fri Jan 07 2005, 03:32am
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Arc, will you marry me? I <3 you. And I'd of course offer the same to Brooke.....but I don't think it's what she wants...heh.
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Fri Jun 17 2005, 05:23pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Damn, and I was THIS CLOSE to ....
Nah, you're right ... She's not want it, nor go for it.

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Fri Jun 17 2005, 05:59pm
Thanks Meg.

wrote ...

Nah, you're right ... She's not want it, nor go for it.


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Fri Jun 17 2005, 07:25pm
Kandy Karma
Joined: Wed Jan 12 2005, 12:39pm
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*blushes* Thanks Meggers, anyone would be lucky to have you.
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