Joined: Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:14am
Location: Under Your Mom's Meat Flaps!
Posts: 14373
I'll host LOADED-GUN.COM .... I OWN the servers my domains are on ....
I want two things; 1) The domain FORWARDED to where I place it .... (I don't want the name, I'll just provide a HOME for it ....
2) I want people to RECRUIT the old people here ... Once they are here, orstarting to come here, I'll start the process of making a site ...
3) I'll make it a FULLY INDEPENDANT site ..... Thus, I'll have ADMIN rites, yes ..... It's only from being the host .... HOWEVER, I'll have NO admin rights on the FORUMS .... (What thins means: I'll BACKUP like I do all my domains, however, I'll make an account, with passwords (etc) and you'll run it as you see fit; I'll only BACK IT UP as an admin ... I DO NOT want admin rights on the board, you'll be a FREE CLIENT, I'll just be a HOSTING ADMIN!)
Joe, let me host L-G .... It'll be FREE, and it'll be backed up regularly .... (Still assign someone to do weekly backups, just in case) (Bottom line: YOU still control the DOMAIN; I'm just hosting, thus, I've no power over it ... JOE) i'll even set up the system for it, and give you all the access ....
In the meantime, if you have email addy's of people, send 'em here until this goes through ....
If the result to come to pass is a separate site, I'm agin' it. I like it as a sub-forum of a larger site, with a larger anti-community to interact with. Besides, there's...what? Like five of us from the old boards here? And we only ever post in one of the sub-sub-forums? We could have these conversations in a group email. If it stays part of TSi, I at least get to hear about grabby 13 year olds and such.
More or less, the people who were active at l-g all post here now. Unless someone has a brilliant idea to draw more traffic to a revamped l-g, might as well leave it here and interact with more people.
I realize I'm being a bit presumptuous in assuming anyone cares what I think about the subject, having only just "arrived back" here, but here are my dos pesetas...
I'm torn between liking that we're part of a larger board, and feeling like there are so many forums here that it's hard to keep track of where anything is. I also think that some of the L-G forums are kinda redundant, like the entertainment forum for example, since everyone already posts in the other movie forum or whatever.
In any case, the one thing I'd definitely change is that I don't see why the L-G forums are "members only". I feel like if we're gonna be a part of a larger board, why not try to properly integrate ourselves with the other (non-LG) board-regulars?
I should point out that I may be talking out of my arse here, having not read THAT much of the regular board stuff.
I'm torn between liking that we're part of a larger board, and feeling like there are so many forums here that it's hard to keep track of where anything is. I also think that some of the L-G forums are kinda redundant, like the entertainment forum for example, since everyone already posts in the other movie forum or whatever.
The original idea was for the L-G forums to be strictly for the users of the old L-G boards, just somewhere for them to hang out away from the rest of the board (it wasnt intended to be elitist, just separate). I dont think the Gun forums were supposed to be seen by the non Gun users, but as it turns out, nobody really cared if they did see the forums or posted in them.
I agree that the some (maybe all) Gun forums are probably redundant now, and I do agree that maybe we need to have a think about the sheer number of forums available at TSi. Youre not the first to mention about the number of forums at this site.
I like the idea of having L-G discussion closed off. For example, when I went through that shit with being ditched hardcore, I didnt want that on the main board, but wanted to tell you guys. I think ONE separate board for us isnt a bad idea. Its not about being elitst, its about me being able to tell you guys stuff, and knowing its not out there for everyone to see (on the board, and the occasional visitor, ect)
There's some I'm going to be killing ... I've been redoing the layout here slowly ...
I'm just unsure which I want to combine/kill ...
I dont think that killing is necessary... The best way is to combine like forums into super forums...
Like all the entertainment threads could easily be combined into one Entertainment forum, combining the Videodrome, Music for the masses, Smash the controller etc...
The User Run forums could become sub forums under one single forum.
I am in favour of having a single LG forum maybe...