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Fri Feb 06 2009, 08:03pm Print
Joined: Thu Feb 05 2009, 06:20pm
Posts: 115
Explain the last time you pissed yourself.
For me it was when I was in 3rd grade. I was playing Sonic the Hedgehog at a store. I'd waited in line to play and the unofficial rules were that you could play as long as you stayed alive and then it woudl be the next kid's turn. I had to piss like mad, but getting out of line was not an option. Unfortunately I was pretty good at the game too, so I never died. As soon as the floodgates let loose I immediately handed the controller to the kid behind me and made a hasty retreat. Those kids must have thought I was crazy. Worth pissing myself for, though, I have to say. There aren't too many games I'd piss myself for these days.
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Fri Feb 06 2009, 10:16pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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You talking drunk or sober?
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The Geek2
Fri Feb 06 2009, 10:57pm
The Geek2
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I almost pissed myself at 20 standing on the corner of 8th and oregon, drunk, while waiting for the bus. Notice I said ALMOST.

But the last real time I peed was probably around the same age, maybe 7. I dreamt of a toilet and peed the bed.
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Emperor Reagan
Sat Feb 07 2009, 12:01am
Emperor Reagan
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I pissed myself sometime last year when I thought I'd try to drink as much as Shane MacGowan.

Suffice it to say, I cannot drink that much.
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 01:49am
Rape barn owner
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I pissed myself playing Elevator Action in a Milk Bar when I was 8...

I'm waiting for my internal organ now to start failing one by one, so I can relive that glorius day.
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 02:02am
Living Dead Girl
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...never pissed myself.
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 03:24pm
Living Dead Girl
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possibly because I've done kregal excersizes for 25 years.

...Kregal's vaginal flexing, uses the same muscles that when flexed
...........keep you from pissing all over yourself.
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 03:35pm
Living Dead Girl
Joined: Sun Jul 03 2005, 11:25pm
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...I gotta horrific story for ya, from my speed freak of the week...jamie involves pissing herself.

this is the most repulsive shit I've read lately .., hang on to yourself.

I'm a IVDU in recovery, been clean since 2006. I started using IV in 99. I was so careful in the beginning, so careful!!!! I always had clean rigs, alcohol preps, took my dirtys to the exchange, used a clean rig every single time, never shared, blah blah blah. That went out the window real fast. One day I was dope sick, I'm a recovering heroin addict, and I was in withdrawals since it had taken forever to cop and I used a "friends" needle. I tested positive for Hep C shortly after. Once that happened I kinda didn't care. Then I went to a Hep C specialist and was told I cleared the virus. So I stopped using IV for a couple years, my veins were shot anyway. Then I met my son's father, my ex, and I started using IV again. He shot me up for a couple years in the femoral vein until I got so sick of him having so much control over me that I finally started doing it myself. It's a blindhitter, you can't see it. You have to feel for the artery and roll to the inside to avoid getting the artery but at the same time avoid the lymph node in that area. It's DANGEROUS. Many many many femoral vein aka groin shooters get serious life threatening blood clots. I still have scars on my panty line, on both sides of my panty line. It's embarrassing to have deep indentions from hitting there for years. It's the only place I could hit for years without burning out.

Just typing about that makes me squirm. Urggggggggg gross. My addiction got so bad we would have huge overflowing biohazards because we were too lazy to go across town (15-20 min. drive) to go to the exchange so we would just keep going to the nearby pharmacy so we ended up with over a thousand dirty needles all over this basement we were squatting in basically. It was gross. What we even grosser was how when we would run out of cleans we would get delusional and think we could find a sharp in the biohazard so we would dump all those dirty needles, many without caps all over the floor to find a point we were crazy enough to use, mind you other people would come over and use and toss their dirty in with ours so it was gross gross gross gross. Onetime I was feing so hard I found a old rig with what I thought was dope in it, heroin is dark here in Seattle. I shot it. I had been up banging coke all night and wanted to rest and I had already done all mine. It turns out it wasn't heroin, it was puss and blood that someone sucked out of their abscess with a rig!!!!!!!! GROSS!!!! I shot that shyt! My body went into shock, I pissed myself, started throwing up, sweating, chills, couldn't walk, got very confused, passed out, the runs, it was painful and I could've died.
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 04:29pm
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doublepost Edited Sat Feb 07 2009, 04:30pm
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Sat Feb 07 2009, 04:29pm
Joined: Thu Feb 05 2009, 06:20pm
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Thank god for my deep and abiding dislike of needles.

Thrash: Drunk or sober. I've managed never to piss myself while drunk, although I had an extremely close call at a hockey game in Quebec where I may or may not have done my innards serious damage by holding it so hard.
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Sun Feb 08 2009, 01:27am
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Actually I used to be so deathly shy in elementary school, that I would piss myself in the middle of class rather than drawing attention to myself by asking the teacher if i I could go to the bathroom. I probably did it half a dozen times. I would sit near the back of the room (very last row in the corner) and piss myself slowly throughout the class - not all at once.

Also, after my step-dad met my mom (I guess I was eight) a couple of times I wiped my asshole after taking a shit, with towels instead of asking for a roll of toilet paper. Like I'd sit down, notice no toilet paper roll, take a dump and then just open the cabinet, grab a towel, wipe feces all over and throw it in the bathtub. Hahaha. I was too shy to ask for a roll.

I am unfortunately very serious. I was a slightly fucked up kid.

But holy shit I am not as fucked up as this guy. He gets off on pissing himself in public places and blogs about it.

[Click, Dick]

Edited Sun Feb 08 2009, 01:51am
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Sun Feb 08 2009, 05:46am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Dude, I'm still aghast from that story ...

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Sun Feb 08 2009, 07:19am
Living Dead Girl
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.....tell it!

I had to wipe myself up off the floor, to make her award.
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Tue Feb 10 2009, 05:18pm
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Love the passive aggression, Bagman.
You had taken a sabbatical when I made my way to L-G, and I think you only made a reappearance just before it went down so I never really knew you, but the stories... Man, they talked about you non-stop back there. You were a veritable legend. Only now do I begin to really see why.
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Tue Feb 10 2009, 09:21pm
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Seconded ...
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Wed Feb 11 2009, 02:06am
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Yup, I was MIA for a couple of years. Everyone needs a breather.

Back to pissing one's self.

I hate when I am super drunk and I need to take a monstrous leak. Because despite being completely out of it, sloppy and incoherent, I fucking still worry about getting piss on my pants while I'm taking the drunken leak. Like it's a fear... a real phobia of mine. I'm deathly afraid of walking out of the bathroom with a blotch of urine on my trousers. I probably spend 5 - 10 minutes trying to focus on my pants hard enough to reach a completely non-sober conclusion that there's at least a 60% chance there's no piss on my pants before I venture out. (This is in a stall of course - I can't usually piss in urinals. Shy bladder syndrome.)

BoadweePiss Detail
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Wed Feb 11 2009, 03:18am
Better Smokin' Than Meth!
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Go John Lennon ...
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